Social insurance

As an employee, you are automatically registered with the social insurance institution by the University of Vienna from the first day of work (according to your employment contract). This includes:


Health and accident insurance

As an employee, you are subject to compulsory insurance coverage in terms of health and accident insurance pursuant to the Beamten-Kranken- und Unfallversicherungsgesetz (B-KUVG; civil servants’ health and accident insurance act). Therefore you are registered with the Versicherungsanstalt öffentlich Bediensteter, Eisenbahnen und Bergbau (BVAEB; Austrian insurance fund for civil or public servants).

Your dependants (spouse, children, etc.) are not automatically insured. As an employee, you must apply for this separately.


Insurance coverage for dependants:  

Spouse                                                                                  Information (German only)       

Registered partner

Divorced spouse   
Formerly registered partner



(= person in the family who runs the household without payment)


Pension insurance

The compulsory pension insurance coverage is stipulated in the Allgemeines Sozialversicherungsgesetz (ASVG; general social insurance act).

In addition, the University of Vienna concluded a company-level agreement covering pension, incapacity for work and surviving dependants benefits.


More detailed information (German only)